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Organic Hair Transplant Overview

by Roosevelt Kitchens

Organic hair transplantation is a transplant that is performed with a stem cell injection from the patient’s own fatty tissue. The organic hair transplant procedure is new and gives wonderful results. The clinic we work with pioneered the development of the organic hair transplant method. The fats and stem cells taken from the patient’s own stomach are injected into the areas of the patient to be transplanted. This will supply the transplant area and make the results more successful.

Organic hair transplant could be more costly than normal hair transplant procedures. Compare your prices here -.

One of the main shortcomings of hair transplantation is that the area to be transplanted is not suitable for the transplant. The higher the quality of the implanted hair root and the area to be transplanted, the more successful the hair transplant will be.

Organic Hair Transplant Highly Recommended

In classic hair transplant procedures, only the patient’s healthy hair follicles, which we call the donor area, are considered. The grafts are removed and transplanted into hairless areas. However, a lack of fats that nourish the hair roots is observed in this area. While the healthy hair roots of people with baldness problems are their greatest asset, attempting a hair transplant in this way will result in the death of the healthy hair roots. In addition, it is known that chemicals that are injected into the bald area to make the grafts easier to transplant in classic hair transplants and to make the work of the hair transplant specialist can damage the hair roots. Biological hair transplantation offers very important advantages in these areas.

The stem cell-enriched oil injection obtained from the patient’s own fat ensures that the hair transplant process can be carried out easily and makes the hairless and inefficient area healthy again. When the hairless area is made efficient by an organic hair transplant, some processes take place in the subcutaneous tissue. One of the reasons for hair loss in this area is the scalp, which is close to the bone. This injection primarily ensures subcutaneous humidification. The stem cells combine with other structures, accelerate the production of new cells and make the subcutaneous tissue efficient. The transplants implanted at this point will continue to grow both in their new area and in their exit. Over time, the new hair roots, which become stronger through the revitalization mechanism of the stem cells, ensure thicker and healthier hair than before.

Benefits of Organic Hair Transplant

Thanks to stem cell injection in organic hair transplantation, the patient has many advantages. Stem cell injection in organic hair transplantation:

  • makes implantation more efficient
  • makes hair transplantation easier
  • allows you to work on site without the use of chemicals
  • increases the retention rate by supplying the newly transferred hair follicles
  • provides positive results of up to 96% in hair transplants
  • facilitates the growth of living, healthy and long-lasting hair.

Why Organic Hair Transplant?

The above procedures require more labor and staff than a normal hair transplant. Before a hair transplant is performed, dermatologists carefully inject fat and stem cells into the area to be transplanted after removing the fat and stem cells and performing the necessary procedures. Later, the transplant process is carried out by hair transplant coordinators. The results that will be achieved in return for all of these efforts are evident. Although it takes more effort than a normal hair transplant, the results are well worth it.

Relation of our Health to Environmental Problems

Up until now, there is still no definite answer on exactly what is causing environmental health challenges. Health problems that are connected to our environment are too complex and can also develop several reasons which include the probability of someone’s genes to develop a condition or disease. In the scientific community, they are calling this genetic susceptibility.

Though what is known is, environmental health concerns are likely to be connected to biological, physical and at times, economic factors. In fact, this is why some experts are recommending people to check out for the best fitness retreat in Thailand that would boost their overall health and have better protection from these types of challenges.

Everything You must Know

The water we are drinking, air we breathe and the food we eat as well as the buildings, homes and our neighborhood are all contributing to environmental health concerns.

At times, it can even disrupt the way our body works. Some of the possible sources for environmental health problems do include but not limited to the following:

Air Pollution

From wildfire, car exhaust, and even electronic cigarette smoke, all of these are a mixture of pollutions that can be found both outdoors and indoors.

Flame Retardants

There are plenty of chemicals that are used in consumer products from furniture, electronics and whatnot that are preventing the spread of fires.


Old paint in a building or house, contaminated water and soil, pottery and even regular house dust are some examples that people get constant exposure to this type of metal.


The engineered nanomaterials are actually a concern due to the tiny particles and widely used in structures, devices and consumer products.


Believe it or not, a single stick of cigarette contains hundreds of chemicals that consist of:

  • FormaldehydeLead and
  • Arsenic


These types of chemicals are produced to repel, control or kill pests from fungus, weeds to insects.

Experts are thinking that majority of the things that humans are exposed to in our environment are connected to health issues such as Parkinson’s disease, asthma, or even cancer. But it is not only the things that we are exposed to that matter.

Possible environmental impact on health could result to cascading biological events in our body that can eventually alter the way it functions. However, these changes may either be good or bad and also, depend largely on the situation and genes.

Healthy Sleep: Tips for an Ecological Bedroom

by Roosevelt Kitchens

Relaxed sleep means immersing yourself in a relaxing, sustainable, and healthy sleeping environment with all your senses. How do you best furnish an ecological bedroom?

Why is healthy sleep so important?

Bad sleep has a direct impact on your body after just one night. Your immune system is weakened, the cardiovascular system cannot regenerate and the cortisol released during the day, the so-called stress hormone, does not break down. You feel limp, sometimes even without orientation or drive. That is why healthy sleep is sacred.

Adjustable bed: Clear shapes, warm colors and minimalist design

Your bedroom is your retreat. When you lie in bed, you can feel like you’re in a cozy cave. Soft, not too gaudy orange, light blackberry tones, and earthy colors signal calm and balance to your body. If you don’t want to paint a wall right away, you can also set accents with organic bed linen, for example. You can also buy 2021 best adjustable beds with pillow tilt to match the design of your bedroom.

Adjustable bed: Like sleeping on clouds

adjustable beds

Do you know the feeling when something is so cozy and that you just don’t want to get up anymore? This is how organic mattresses feel. It takes up to two hours to manufacture a single mattress, in which over 60 individual pieces of valuable natural materials are carefully handcrafted and stacked, and sewn in up to 13 layers. There are variants with wool fleece or vegan mattresses with natural latex and coconut fibers. What really counts here are the inner values ​​that are chemical, allergy, metal and irritant-free, and absolutely skin-friendly.

For a perfect sleep, it is important that the mattress offers a good moisture exchange because you lose around 0.5 liters of sweat every night. Another important topic is conformability both in terms of natural mattresses and in terms of duvets and pillows.

Adjustable bed: Healthy sleep with wood, aromatherapy and more

Sure, ventilating rooms is a classic. Especially since the perfect sleeping temperature is 18 degrees. But you can also ensure good air in your ecological bedroom. The aromatherapy spray can give peace and relaxation. Your nose is always connected to the relaxing scent and you feel like a princess when you use aromatherapy when sleeping.
