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Why Men Shouldn’t Ignore Erectile Dysfunction

by Roosevelt Kitchens

Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction are often high on the list of medical conditions people shy away from talking about. Unfortunately, the “keep quiet and ignore” tactic means that many affected individuals suffer lonely and in silence. For other people, they would opt for products.

Hiding the problem leads to permanent taboo and makes data collection and research on the subject very difficult. Those affected can often only recognize and treat the problem at a late stage. Ignoring erection problems can be very frustrating, both physically and mentally. The actual cause of the symptoms can also go undetected. Open communication and acceptance help to anchor the disorder in society’s consciousness and to draw attention to it.

Overcome social stigma – talk to the doctor

Physical problems on a sexual level can quickly make those affected feels like an isolated or exceptional case in society. The fact is that erectile dysfunction is a recurring, common and serious health problem. Anyone can be affected, so the disease should not be equated with a certain level of masculinity or strength.

The first step in overcoming shame is to see a doctor. Talking to a doctor in a professional manner helps to break taboos and shame. In this way, the doctor can diagnose the symptoms and treat them in a targeted manner. At best, the doctor can rule out severe disease courses.

Most of those affected find communication difficult because ultimately sexual dysfunction is not only a problem for the man, but also for the couple. Again, silence can lead to loss of trust, increased stress, and persistent relationship problems. Thus, it is advisable to break the news in the relationship.

Be brave! What men with erectile dysfunction can do?

Most men occasionally have difficulty getting their penis hard or maintaining an erection. However, erectile dysfunction is only considered to be a cause for concern if satisfactory sexual performance has not been possible for a long period of time.

Relationship problems, stress, and other emotional states can all cause sexual disorders. Sitting down with your partner can help to overcome initial fears of contact with the topic and to find solutions and outlets for emotional blockages.

Medicines, operations and training are treatment measures that you can discuss with the doctor. You should consult a doctor especially in the case of serious or long-term symptoms.
